Unicode 5.2
Character Definition mix
Pinyin BAN4 PAN4 Jyutping bun3 bun6 pun3 On HAN Kun SUTERU WARU KAKIMAZERU Hangul Korean PAN Viet bắn
IRG South Korea 0-5A65

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition one of the 28 constellations
Pinyin MAO3 Jyutping maau5 On BOU Kun SUBARU Hangul Korean MYO
IRG Japan 0-5A65

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition pitfall , trap , snare
Pinyin JING3 Jyutping zing6 On SEI JOU Kun ANA Korean CENG
Variant U+7A7D
IRG PRC and Singapore 0-5A65

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