Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( non-classical form ) to gnaw ; to bite ; to masticate , sound of biting
KangXi 0201.121

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( Cant .) final particle indicating emphasis or surprise ; phonetic
Jyutping gaa2 gaa3 gaa4
KangXi 0201.121

Unicode 5.2
KangXi 0201.121

Unicode 5.2
KangXi 0201.121

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin BAI4 Jyutping bai6 Viet bới
KangXi 0201.121

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( in grammar ) interjection ; to express sadness ; sorrow and emotional excitement
Pinyin AI4 Jyutping oi2
KangXi 0201.121

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition chirping of insects ; pump ; ( Cant .) a final particle
Pinyin JI1 Jyutping zek1 zik1 On SOKU SHOKU Kun KAKOTSU
Variant U+559E
KangXi 0201.121

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( Cant .) interjection of warning ; phonetic ; penis
Pinyin ZHE3 Jyutping ze1 ze2 ze3 zek1 zoe1 Viet gia
KangXi 0201.121

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to eat , drink
Pinyin CAN1 Kun KUU KUI Hangul Korean SIK
Variant U+9910
KangXi 0201.121 KangXi position 0201.121

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to eat , drink
Pinyin CAN1 Kun KUU KUI Hangul Korean SIK
Variant U+9910
KangXi 0201.121 KangXi position 0201.121

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition gramme ; syllable
Pinyin LI2 Jyutping lei1 On RI
KangXi 0201.121 KangXi position 0201.121

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition gramme ; syllable
Pinyin LI2 Jyutping lei1 On RI
KangXi 0201.121 KangXi position 0201.121

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ah , final particle
Pinyin YO5 Jyutping jo1 On YAKU Korean YAK
Simplified U+54DF
KangXi 0201.121 KangXi position 0201.121

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ah , final particle
Pinyin YO5 Jyutping jo1 On YAKU Korean YAK
Simplified U+54DF
KangXi 0201.121 KangXi position 0201.121

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition whispering
Pinyin ZHA1 CHA1 Jyutping caa1 caa4 zaa1 On SA Kun SAWAGU Korean SA
KangXi 0201.121 KangXi position 0201.121

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition whispering
Pinyin ZHA1 CHA1 Jyutping caa1 caa4 zaa1 On SA Kun SAWAGU Korean SA
KangXi 0201.121 KangXi position 0201.121

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition hello ; ( Cant .) phonetic
Pinyin WEI1 Jyutping wai1 wi1 On I
KangXi 0201.121 KangXi position 0201.121

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition hello ; ( Cant .) phonetic
Pinyin WEI1 Jyutping wai1 wi1 On I
KangXi 0201.121 KangXi position 0201.121

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition the mew of the cat
Pinyin MIAO1 Jyutping miu1 Viet mếu
KangXi 0201.121 KangXi position 0201.121

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition the mew of the cat
Pinyin MIAO1 Jyutping miu1 Viet mếu
KangXi 0201.121 KangXi position 0201.121

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition encampment , barracks ; manage
Variant U+71DF
KangXi 0201.121 KangXi position 0201.121

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition encampment , barracks ; manage
Variant U+71DF
KangXi 0201.121 KangXi position 0201.121

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition spurt , blow out , puff out
Pinyin PEN1 PEN4 Jyutping pan3
Traditional U+5674
KangXi 0201.121 KangXi position 0201.121

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition spurt , blow out , puff out
Pinyin PEN1 PEN4 Jyutping pan3
Traditional U+5674
KangXi 0201.121 KangXi position 0201.121

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition place name
Korean PHOS
KangXi 0201.121 KangXi position 0201.121

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition place name
Korean PHOS
KangXi 0201.121 KangXi position 0201.121

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition chemical compound
Pinyin KUI2
KangXi 0201.121 KangXi position 0201.121

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition chemical compound
Pinyin KUI2
KangXi 0201.121 KangXi position 0201.121

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( Cant .) to be located at
Pinyin XI4 Jyutping hai2
KangXi 0201.121 KangXi position 0201.121

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( Cant .) to be located at
Pinyin XI4 Jyutping hai2
KangXi 0201.121 KangXi position 0201.121

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition metaphor , analogy ; example ; like
Pinyin YU4 YU2 Jyutping jyu6 On YU Kun SATOSU SATORU TATOERU Korean YU Tang Viet dụ
Variant U+55A9
KangXi 0201.121 KangXi position 0201.121

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition metaphor , analogy ; example ; like
Pinyin YU4 YU2 Jyutping jyu6 On YU Kun SATOSU SATORU TATOERU Korean YU Tang Viet dụ
Variant U+55A9
KangXi 0201.121 KangXi position 0201.121

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( Cant .) used phonetically in English loan-words (e.g., cap , keep )
Pinyin JIE2 Jyutping gep1 gip1 kep1 kip1
KangXi 0201.121 KangXi position 0201.121

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( Cant .) used phonetically in English loan-words (e.g., cap , keep )
Pinyin JIE2 Jyutping gep1 gip1 kep1 kip1
KangXi 0201.121 KangXi position 0201.121

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition used in onomatopoetic expressions
Pinyin LOU5 LOU2 Jyutping lau1 lau4
Traditional U+560D
KangXi 0201.121 KangXi position 0201.121

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition used in onomatopoetic expressions
Pinyin LOU5 LOU2 Jyutping lau1 lau4
Traditional U+560D
KangXi 0201.121 KangXi position 0201.121

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition emperor
Pinyin KU4 Jyutping guk1
Traditional U+56B3
KangXi 0201.121 KangXi position 0201.121

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition emperor
Pinyin KU4 Jyutping guk1
Traditional U+56B3
KangXi 0201.121 KangXi position 0201.121

Unicode 5.2
Character 𠷠
KangXi 0201.121

Unicode 5.2
Character 𠷡
KangXi 0201.121

Unicode 5.2
Character 𠷢
KangXi 0201.121

Unicode 5.2
Character 𠷣
KangXi 0201.121

Unicode 5.2
Character 𠷤
Viet phào
KangXi 0201.121

Unicode 5.2
Character 𠷥
Viet đành
KangXi 0201.121

Unicode 5.2
Character 𠷦
Viet miếng
KangXi 0201.121

Unicode 5.2
Character 𠷧
KangXi 0201.121

Unicode 5.2
Character 𠷨
KangXi 0201.121

Unicode 5.2
Character 𠷩
KangXi 0201.121

Unicode 5.2
Character 𠷪
KangXi 0201.121

Unicode 5.2
Character 𠷫
KangXi 0201.121

Records 1 - 50 of 100 retrieved in 262 ms