Unicode 5.2
Character Definition an ancient name for iron ; osmium
Pinyin TIE3 E2 Jyutping ngo4 On TETSU Kun KUROGANE
Simplified U+9507
KangXi 1308.180 KangXi position 1308.180

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition an ancient name for iron ; osmium
Pinyin tiě Jyutping ngo4 On TETSU Kun KUROGANE
Simplified U+9507
KangXi 1308.180 KangXi position 1308.180

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition a coarse mat of rushes or bamboo
Pinyin DA2 Jyutping daat3 On TAN TATSU TACHI Kun UTSU Korean TAL TAN Viet đác
Dae Jaweon, 1988 1308.180
IRG Dae Jaweon 1308.180

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition a coarse mat of rushes or bamboo
Pinyin Jyutping daat3 On TAN TATSU TACHI Kun UTSU Korean TAL TAN Viet đác
Dae Jaweon, 1988 1308.180
IRG Dae Jaweon 1308.180

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