Unicode 5.2
Character Definition (a dialect ) to open (a parcel ; abundle or a package ); to unroll ( a scroll , etc .); ( Cant .) to rest , catch one's breath
Pinyin TOU3 Jyutping tau2
Cangjie Input Code YRYE

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to weigh in the hand , to estimate ; to shake
Pinyin DIAN1 Jyutping dim1
Cangjie Input Code YRYE

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition afar , distant ; old , advanced in
Pinyin XIA2 Jyutping haa4 On KA Kun TOOI NANZO Hangul Korean HA Tang ha
Cangjie Input Code YRYE

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition (a dialect ) to open (a parcel ; abundle or a package ); to unroll (a scroll , etc .); ( Cant .) to rest , catch one's breath
Pinyin tǒu Jyutping tau2
Cangjie Input Code YRYE

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition to weigh in the hand , to estimate ; to shake
Pinyin diān Jyutping dim1
Cangjie Input Code YRYE

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition afar , distant ; old , advanced in
Pinyin xiá Jyutping haa4 On KA Kun TOOI NANZO Hangul : 0N Korean HA Tang ha
Cangjie Input Code YRYE

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