CEDict 100318
Traditional 比喻 Simplified 比喻
Pinyin bi3 yu4
English metaphor ; analogy ; figure of speech ; figuratively

JMdict 200217
Reading かべ ; へき
Translation dut muur ; wand ; muurtje ( voetbal ) Translation hun közfal Translation slv stena ; zid Translation spa muro ; pared Translation swe vägg
Translation eng Chinese "Wall" constellation ( one of the 28 mansions ) ; wall ; partition ; barrier ; obstacle Translation ger Mauer ; Wand ; Barriere Translation fre mur ; partition ; barrière ; obstacle ; constellation chinoise du « Mur » ( une des 28 loges lunaires ) Translation rus стена , стенка ; ( ср .) おかべ ; ( кн . см .) かべ
Crossref 二十八宿 ; 玄武・げんぶ・2
Information figuratively

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 比喻 Simplified 比喻
Pinyin bi3 yu4
English to compare ; to liken to ; metaphor ; analogy ; figure of speech ; figuratively

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