JMdict 100319
Reading ビニール ; ビニル ; バイニル
Translation eng vinyl Translation ger Vinyl ; Plastik ; Kunststoff Translation fre vinyl Translation rus винил

JMdict 100319
Reading ビニる ; びにる
Translation eng to go to a convenience store

JMdict 200217
Reading ビニール ; ビニル ; バイナル
Translation dut vinyl Translation hun vinil ; vinilgyök ; PVC ; vinil ; vinilgyök Translation slv plastična vrečka ; plastična masa ; vinil ; vinil Translation spa vinilo ( eng : vinyl ) Translation swe vinyl
Translation eng vinyl record ; vinyl Translation ger Vinyl ; Plastik ; Kunststoff ; aus Vinyl ; Plastik… ; Vinyl ; Plastik ; Kunststoff Translation fre vinyle ; disque vinyle Translation rus ( см .) ヴィニール
Crossref ビニール盤・ビニールばん

JMdict 200217
Reading ビニる ; びにる
Translation eng to go to a convenience store

JMdict 100319
Word ビニル基
Reading ビニルき
Translation eng vinyl group

JMdict 200217
Word ビニル基
Reading ビニルき
Translation eng vinyl group

JMdict 200217
Reading ビニールクロス ; ビニルクロス
Source Language eng vinyl cloth Translation eng vinyl wallpaper ; vinyl-coated wallpaper

JMdict 100319
Word ビニル樹脂
Reading ビニルじゅし
Translation eng vinyl resin

JMdict 200217
Word ビニル樹脂
Reading ビニルじゅし
Translation eng vinyl resin Translation ger Vinylharz

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