
JMdict 100319
Word 白線
Reading はくせん
Translation eng white line Translation ger weiße Linie ; weiße Markierungslinie ; (z.B. an Bahnsteigen ) Translation fre ligne blanche

CEDict 100318
Traditional 白線 Simplified 白线
Pinyin bai2 xian4
English white line ( road markings )

JMdict 200217
Word 白線
Reading はくせん
Translation dut witte streep ; veiligheidsstreep {プラットホームの} ; linea alba {anat .} Translation hun linea alba ; üres sor Translation spa línea blanca
Translation eng white line ; linea alba ( anot .) Translation ger weiße Linie ; weiße Markierungslinie (z.B. an Bahnsteigen ) Translation fre ligne blanche Translation rus 1) белая линия ; 2) белая лента

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 白線 Simplified 白线
Pinyin bai2 xian4
English white line ( road markings )

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 白線斑蚊 Simplified 白线斑蚊
Pinyin bai2 xian4 ban1 wen2
English Aedes albopictus ( species of mosquito )

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