
CEDict 100318
Traditional 積少成多 Simplified 积少成多
Pinyin ji1 shao3 cheng2 duo1
English Many little things add up to sth great . ; Many little drops make an ocean . ( idiom )

HanDeDict 100318
Traditional 積少成多 Simplified 积少成多
Pinyin ji1 shao3 cheng2 duo1
Deutsch Kleinvieh macht auch Mist

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 積少成多 Simplified 积少成多
Pinyin ji1 shao3 cheng2 duo1
English Many little things add up to sth great . ; Many little drops make an ocean . ( idiom )

HanDeDict 200217
Traditional 積少成多 Simplified 积少成多
Pinyin ji1 shao3 cheng2 duo1
Deutsch Kleinvieh macht auch Mist

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