Unicode 5.2
Character Definition snatch away , seize ; catch with
Pinyin JUE2 Jyutping fok3 On KAKU Kun TSUKAMU Hangul Korean HWAK
IRG Japan 0-5A3C

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition boast , brag ; popular , well-known
Pinyin XU3 Jyutping heoi2
Traditional U+8A61
IRG PRC and Singapore 0-5A3C

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition divide , disperse , scatter
Pinyin MI3 MI2 MA2 MEI2 MO2 Jyutping mei5 On HI BI MI Kun NABIKU NAI Hangul Korean MI Tang myɛ̌ Viet mị
IRG South Korea 0-5A3C

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