Unicode 5.2
Character Definition by side of , beside , near , close
Pinyin BANG4 PANG2 Jyutping bong6 pong4 pong6 On BOU HOU Kun KATAWARA SOU Hangul Korean PANG PHAYNG Tang *bhɑn bhɑn Viet bàng
IRG South Korea 0-5B28

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition in ancient times , of old , former
Pinyin NANG3 Jyutping nong5 On DOU NOU Kun SAKI SAKINI Hangul Korean NANG Viet nán
IRG Japan 0-5B28

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition an ancient feudal State in Shaanxi
Pinyin XUN2 HUAN2 Jyutping seon1 On SHUN KAN
IRG PRC and Singapore 0-5B28

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