Unicode 5.2
Character Definition jutting on the epidermis or the cuticle ( of plants ); ( Cant .) skin peeling off
Pinyin TA4 Jyutping taat3
KangXi 0792.150

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition jutting on the epidermis or the cuticle ( of plants ); ( Cant .) skin peeling off
Pinyin Jyutping taat3
KangXi 0792.150

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition mixed , confused ; pity
Pinyin MIN3 HUN1 Jyutping man5 On BIN MIN BEN MEN Hangul Korean MIN

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition mixed , confused ; pity
Pinyin mǐn Jyutping man5 On BIN MIN BEN MEN Hangul :1 :N Korean MIN

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