Unicode 5.2
Character Definition rich , good as wine ; pure , unmixed
Pinyin CHUN2 Jyutping seon4 On SHUN JUN Kun MOPPARA Hangul Korean SWUN
Song Ben Guang Yun 107.10

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( same as ) the sides of a shoe or gutter
Jyutping bong1
Unicode Radical-Stroke Count 107.10

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( same as ) rough ; coarse ; inferior unpolished rice , goose flesh
Pinyin ZAO4 Jyutping cou3
Unicode Radical-Stroke Count 107.10

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition wrinkles , creases , folds
Pinyin ZHOU4 ZHOU1 Jyutping zau3 On SUU SHUU Kun SHIWA Hangul Korean CHWU Tang jriòu
Simplified U+76B1
KangXi Radical-Stroke Count 107.10 Unicode Radical-Stroke Count 107.10

Unicode 5.2
Character 𥀍
KangXi Radical-Stroke Count 107.10 Unicode Radical-Stroke Count 107.10

Unicode 5.2
Character 𥀎
KangXi Radical-Stroke Count 107.10 Unicode Radical-Stroke Count 107.10

Unicode 5.2
Character 𥀏
KangXi Radical-Stroke Count 107.10 Unicode Radical-Stroke Count 107.10

Unicode 5.2
Character 𥀐
KangXi Radical-Stroke Count 107.10 Unicode Radical-Stroke Count 107.10

Unicode 5.2
Character 𥀑
KangXi Radical-Stroke Count 107.10 Unicode Radical-Stroke Count 107.10

Unicode 5.2
Character 𥀒
KangXi Radical-Stroke Count 107.10 Unicode Radical-Stroke Count 107.10

Unicode 5.2
Character 𥀓
KangXi Radical-Stroke Count 107.10 Unicode Radical-Stroke Count 107.10

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition rich , good as wine ; pure , unmixed
Pinyin chún Jyutping seon4 On SHUN JUN Kun MOPPARA Hangul : 0N Korean SWUN
Song Ben Guang Yun 107.10

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition wrinkles , creases , folds
Pinyin zhòu Jyutping zau3 On SUU SHUU Kun SHIWA Hangul : 0N Korean CHWU Tang jriòu
Simplified U+76B1
KangXi Radical-Stroke Count 107.10 Unicode Radical-Stroke Count 107.10

Unicode 12.1
Character 𭽳
Unicode Radical-Stroke Count 107.10

Unicode 12.1
Character 𭽲
Unicode Radical-Stroke Count 107.10

Unicode 12.1
Character 𭽱
Unicode Radical-Stroke Count 107.10

Unicode 12.1
Character 𥀓
Pinyin liú
KangXi Radical-Stroke Count 107.10 Unicode Radical-Stroke Count 107.10

Unicode 12.1
Character 𥀒
KangXi Radical-Stroke Count 107.10 Unicode Radical-Stroke Count 107.10

Unicode 12.1
Character 𥀑
KangXi Radical-Stroke Count 107.10 Unicode Radical-Stroke Count 107.10

Unicode 12.1
Character 𥀐
Pinyin hán
KangXi Radical-Stroke Count 107.10 Unicode Radical-Stroke Count 107.10

Unicode 12.1
Character 𥀏
KangXi Radical-Stroke Count 107.10 Unicode Radical-Stroke Count 107.10

Unicode 12.1
Character 𥀎
Pinyin què
KangXi Radical-Stroke Count 107.10 Unicode Radical-Stroke Count 107.10

Unicode 12.1
Character 𥀍
KangXi Radical-Stroke Count 107.10 Unicode Radical-Stroke Count 107.10

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition ( same as ) rough ; coarse ; inferior unpolished rice , goose flesh
Pinyin cuó Jyutping cou3
Unicode Radical-Stroke Count 107.10

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition ( same as ) the sides of a shoe or gutter
Pinyin bāng Jyutping bong1
Unicode Radical-Stroke Count 107.10

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition social customs ; vulgar , unrefined
Pinyin SU2 Jyutping zuk6 On ZOKU Kun NARAWASHI Hangul Korean SOK Tang *ziok ziok Viet tục

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition social customs ; vulgar , unrefined
Pinyin Jyutping zuk6 On ZOKU Kun NARAWASHI Hangul : 0E Korean SOK Tang *ziok ziok Viet tục

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