Unicode 5.2
Character Definition price , value
Pinyin JIA4 On KA Kun ATAI Korean KA
Variant U+50F9
IRG South Korea 2-2237

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition a hill with trees or grass-- some give the opposite meaning
Pinyin QI3 Jyutping gei2 hei2 On KI Hangul Korean KI
CNS 11643-1986 2-2237 CNS 11643-1992 2-2237 IRG Taiwan 2-2237

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition a hill with trees or grass-- some give the opposite meaning
Pinyin Jyutping gei2 hei2 On KI Hangul : 1N Korean KI
CNS 11643-1986 2-2237 CNS 11643-1992 2-2237

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