Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to cut off ; to mince , to cut up firewood
Pinyin ZHOU4 Jyutping sei3 tam3 zap3 zau6 zek3 zik3
IRG PRC and Singapore 3-3334

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition a fine thread , linen thread ; silk thread ; a thread ; a yarn
Pinyin GUAI4 Jyutping gwaai3
IRG Taiwan 3-3334

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to shake ; to vibrate ; to move , to be shocked or shaken
Pinyin ZHEN4 Jyutping ngan3 zaan1 zaan3
IRG South Korea 3-3334

Unicode 5.2
Character 𣞽
Viet dặng
IRG Vietnam 3-3334

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