Unicode 5.2
Character Definition speaking evil . gobbling sound made by ducks
Pinyin SHA4 ZA1 QIE4 Jyutping cip3 saap3 zaap3 On SAHU SEHU Kun KURAHU SUSURU TSUIBAMU HUMU Hangul Korean SAP Viet thép
KPS 10721-2000 39F5

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( corrupted form of U+638A ) to exact , to get salt from sea-water , to break up ; to injure , to hold something in both hands ; to scoop up mud ; ( Cant .) to hit , strike , knock
Pinyin POU2 POU3 Jyutping bau2 bong6 gong1 paau2 paau4
Unicode Code Point 39F5

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition speaking evil . gobbling sound made by ducks
Pinyin shà Jyutping cip3 saap3 zaap3 On SAHU SEHU Kun KURAHU SUSURU TSUIBAMU HUMU Hangul : 1N Korean SAP Viet thép
KPS 10721-2000 39F5

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition ( corrupted form of U+638A ) to exact , to get salt from sea-water , to break up ; to injure , to hold something in both hands ; to scoop up mud ; ( Cant .) to hit , strike , knock
Pinyin póu Jyutping bau2 bong6 gong1 paau2 paau4
Unicode Code Point 39F5

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