Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to twist or nip with the fingers
Pinyin NIAN3 NIE1 Jyutping nim2 nip6 On NEN JOU Kun HINERU Hangul Korean NYEM NYEP Viet nạm
Variant U+F9A4
Fenn: The Five Thousand Dictionary, 1979 436E

Unicode 5.2
Character 𢝁
KPS 10721-2000 436E

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition young goat ( sheep ) under one year old , castrated ram of hundred catties ( Chinese pound )
Pinyin ZHAO4 Jyutping siu6
Unicode Code Point 436E

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition to twist or nip with the fingers
Pinyin niǎn Jyutping nim2 nip6 On NEN JOU Kun HINERU Hangul : 0N :0 Korean NYEM NYEP Viet nạm
Variant U+F9A4
Fenn: The Five Thousand Dictionary, 1979 436E

Unicode 12.1
Character 𢝁
KPS 10721-2000 436E

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition young goat ( sheep ) under one year old , castrated ram of hundred catties ( Chinese pound )
Pinyin zhào Jyutping siu6
Unicode Code Point 436E

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