Unicode 5.2
Pinyin BO2 Jyutping bok6
Song Ben Guang Yun 466.02

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition throw away , discard
Pinyin SHUAI3 Jyutping lat1 On SHUTSU
Fenn's Chinese-English Pocket Dictionary, 1942 466.02

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( Cant .) 躽胸凸肚 , to push out one's chest and belly
Pinyin YAN3 Jyutping jin2 zin2
Cheng, Bauer: The Representation of Cantonese with 466.02

Unicode 12.1
Pinyin Jyutping bok6
Song Ben Guang Yun 466.02

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition ( Cant .) 躽胸凸肚 , to push out one's chest and belly
Pinyin yǎn Jyutping jin2 zin2
Cheng, Bauer: The Representation of Cantonese with 466.02

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition throw away , discard
Pinyin shuǎi Jyutping lat1 On SHUTSU
Fenn's Chinese-English Pocket Dictionary, 1942 466.02

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