Unicode 5.2
Character Definition a headstall , ornament on a bride
Pinyin CONG1 Jyutping zung1 On SOU SU
Mathews: Chinese-English Dictionary 6908

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition flute-like musical instrument
Pinyin SUO3 Jyutping so2
Traditional U+55E9
Four-Corner Code 6908

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition night , dark ; in night ; by night
Pinyin YE4 Jyutping je6 On YA Kun YO YORU Hangul Korean YA Tang *ià Viet dạ
Variant U+4EB1
KS X 1001:1992 6908

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin PI4 BI4 Jyutping pei3 On HI HEI HAI BI Hangul Korean PI Viet tia
GB 12345-90 6908 GB 2312-80 6908

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition fragments ; trifling , petty ; troublesome
Pinyin SUO3 Jyutping so2 On SA Kun CHIISAI Hangul Korean SWAY Tang *suɑ̌
Simplified U+7410
KS X 1002:1991 6908

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition bridle ; halter
Pinyin XIE4 YI4 Jyutping sit3 On SETSU Kun KIZUNA Hangul Korean SEL
Simplified U+7EC1
JIS X 0208-1990 6908

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition carpenter's file , file smooth
Pinyin CUO4 Jyutping co3 On SA ZA SOKU ZOKU Kun KAMA
Simplified U+9509
Taiwan Telegraph 6908

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition pound sterling ; to scrape
Pinyin BANG4 PANG1 Jyutping bong2 bong6 On HAU HOU Kun KEZURU Hangul Korean PANG
Simplified U+9551
JIS X 0212-1990 6908

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition carpenter's file , file smooth
Pinyin CUO4 Jyutping co3
Traditional U+92BC
PRC Telegraph Code 6908

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition cedar
Pinyin JU2 Jyutping guk1 On KIKU KOKU Kun HINOKI
Unicode Code Point 6908

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin guan1 Reading On カン ; コン Reading Kun やもめ ; やもお Reading Korean hwan Reading Korean
Meaning widower ; unmarried man
Dictionary dr_nelson_n 6908

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition flute-like musical instrument
Pinyin suǒ Jyutping so2
Traditional U+55E9
Four-Corner Code 6908

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition night , dark ; in night ; by night
Pinyin Jyutping je6 On YA Kun YO YORU Hangul : 0E Korean YA Tang *ià Viet dạ
Variant U+4EB1
KS X 1001:1992 6908

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition fragments ; trifling , petty ; troublesome
Pinyin suǒ Jyutping so2 On SA Kun CHIISAI Hangul : 1N Korean SWAY Tang *suɑ̌
Simplified U+7410
KS X 1002:1991 6908

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition carpenter's file , file smooth
Pinyin cuò Jyutping co3 On SA ZA SOKU ZOKU Kun KAMA
Simplified U+9509
Taiwan Telegraph 6908

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition pound sterling ; to scrape
Pinyin bàng Jyutping bong2 bong6 On HAU HOU Kun KEZURU Hangul : 1N Korean PANG
Simplified U+9551
JIS X 0212-1990 6908

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition carpenter's file , file smooth
Pinyin cuò Jyutping co3
Traditional U+92BC
PRC Telegraph Code 6908

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition cedar
Pinyin Jyutping guk1 On KIKU KOKU Kun HINOKI
Unicode Code Point 6908

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin guan1 Reading On カン ; コン Reading Kun やもめ ; やもお Reading Korean hwan Reading Korean
Meaning widower ; unmarried man
Dictionary dr_nelson_n 6908

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition bridle ; halter
Pinyin xiè Jyutping sit3 On SETSU Kun KIZUNA Hangul : 1N Korean SEL
Simplified U+7EC1
JIS X 0208-1990 6908

Unicode 12.1
Pinyin Jyutping pei3 On HI HEI HAI BI Hangul : 1N Korean PI Viet tia
GB 12345-90 6908 GB 2312-80 6908

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition a headstall , ornament on a bride
Pinyin zōng Jyutping zung1 On SOU SU
Mathews: Chinese-English Dictionary 6908

HanDeDict 100318

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin XUE1 Jyutping hoe1 On KUU

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition wailing of child ; chirp
Pinyin JIU1 Jyutping zau1 On SHUU Kun NAKU Hangul Korean CHWU Tang *tziou

Unicode 5.2
Hangul Korean KWANG

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition see , look , gaze at
Pinyin CHOU3 Jyutping cau2

Unicode 12.1
Pinyin huō Jyutping hoe1 On KUU

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition wailing of child ; chirp
Pinyin jiū Jyutping zau1 On SHUU Kun NAKU Hangul : 1N Korean CHWU Tang *tziou

Unicode 12.1
Pinyin guāng Hangul : 0N Korean KWANG

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition to see ; to look at ; to gaze
Pinyin chǒu Jyutping cau2

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition flute-like musical instrument
Pinyin SUO3 Jyutping so2 On SA Korean SWAY
Simplified U+5522

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition flute-like musical instrument
Pinyin suǒ Jyutping so2 On SA Korean SWAY
Simplified U+5522

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition eat , feed ; chew , bite ; entice
Pinyin DAN4 Jyutping daam6 On TAN Kun KUU KURAWASU Hangul Korean TAM Tang dhɑ̌m
Variant U+5557

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin SHAN3 Jyutping sim2

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to glance at , to peep ; glittering ; to shine
Pinyin SHAN3 Jyutping sim2 On SEN DAN Kun NUSUMIMIRU Hangul Korean SEM Tang shiɛ̌m Viet gườm

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition eat , feed ; chew , bite ; entice
Pinyin dàn Jyutping daam6 On TAN Kun KUU KURAWASU Hangul : 0N Korean TAM Tang dhɑ̌m
Variant U+5557

Unicode 12.1
Pinyin shǎn Jyutping sim2

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition to glance at , to peep ; glittering ; to shine
Pinyin shǎn Jyutping sim2 On SEN DAN Kun NUSUMIMIRU Hangul : 1N Korean SEM Tang shiɛ̌m Viet gườm

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