Unicode 5.2
Character Definition area between waist and hips
Pinyin QIAN1 XU4 QIAN3
Big5 HK Supplementary Character Set 9971 IRG Hong Kong SAR 9971

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition eat heartily ; eat one's fill
Pinyin BAO3 Jyutping baau2
Traditional U+98FD
Unicode Code Point 9971

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin zhang1 Reading On ブン ; モン Reading Kun あや
Dictionary dr_moro 9971

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition area between waist and hips
Pinyin qiǎn Jyutping him2 hip3
Big5 HK Supplementary Character Set 9971

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition eat heartily ; eat one's fill
Pinyin bǎo Jyutping baau2
Traditional U+98FD
Unicode Code Point 9971

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin zhang1 Reading On ブン ; モン Reading Kun あや
Dictionary dr_moro 9971

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition jar
Pinyin YING1 Jyutping aang1

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition jar
Pinyin yīng Jyutping aang1

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