Unicode 5.2
Pinyin CAI3 On SAI Kun UNEME
Big5 D4EA

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to twist or nip with the fingers
Pinyin NIAN3 NIE1 Jyutping nim2 nip6 On NEN JOU Kun HINERU Hangul Korean NYEM NYEP Viet nạm
Variant U+F9A4
KPS 9566-97 D4EA

Unicode 12.1
Pinyin cāi On SAI Kun UNEME Hangul :N
Big5 D4EA

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition to twist or nip with the fingers
Pinyin niǎn Jyutping nim2 nip6 On NEN JOU Kun HINERU Hangul : 0N :0 Korean NYEM NYEP Viet nạm
Variant U+F9A4
KPS 9566-97 D4EA

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