JMdict 100319
Reading メロドラマ
Translation eng melodrama ; soap opera Translation ger Melodrama ; Soapopera

JMdict 200217
Reading メロドラマ ; メロ・ドラマ
Translation dut melodrama ; melodramatische serie ; soapserie ; soap Translation hun melodráma ; rémdráma
Translation eng melodrama ; soap opera Translation ger Melodrama ; Soapopera

CEDict 100318
Traditional 灑狗血 Simplified 洒狗血
Pinyin sa3 gou3 xie3
English to overreact ; melodramatic

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 灑狗血 Simplified 洒狗血
Pinyin sa3 gou3 xie3
English to overreact ; melodramatic

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 狗血 Simplified 狗血
Pinyin gou3 xie3
English melodramatic ; contrived

JMdict 200217
Reading メソメソ ; めそめそ
Translation dut grienen ; overdreven sentimenteel doen ; melodramatisch doen ; huilerig ; melig ; weeïg ; klef doen Translation hun zokogás ; zokogó
Translation eng sobbing ; weeping ; whimpering Translation ger wimmern ; leise weinen ; wimmernd ; weinend Translation rus хныкать ; ( ономат .:) ; хныкать {~する}

JMdict 200217
Word 昼メロ
Reading ひるメロ
Translation dut melodramatische serie ; soapserie ; soapopera ; soap
Translation eng soap opera
Crossref メロドラマ

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