Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( same as ) to pull ; to drag , to break off , to pluck , as a flower
Pinyin AO3 Jyutping au2 au3 paai1
Cangjie Input Code OVIS

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin yuan2
English ovis ammon

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition ( same as ) to pull ; to drag , to break off , to pluck , as a flower
Pinyin ǎo Jyutping au2 au3 paai1
Cangjie Input Code OVIS

JMdict 200217
Reading ビッグホーン
Translation eng bighorn sheep ( Ovis canadensis ) Translation ger Dickhornschaf ; Ovis canadensis

JMdict 200217

JMdict 200217
Reading ひつじ ; ヒツジ
Translation dut schaap {dierk .} ; Ovis Translation hun birka ; juh ; málészájú Translation slv ovca Translation spa oveja
Translation eng sheep ( Ovis aries ) Translation ger Schaf ; Lamm ( junges Schaf ) Translation fre mouton Translation rus баран , овца

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