JMdict 200217
Reading ブリザード
Translation hun hóvihar
Translation eng blizzard Translation ger Schneesturm ; Blizzard Translation rus (( англ .) blizzard ) буран , снежная буря

JMdict 200217
Word 風雪
Reading ふうせつ
Translation hun hóvihar
Translation eng wind and snow ; snowstorm ; blizzard ; hardships Translation ger Wind und Schnee ; Schneesturm ; Härten des Lebens ; Not ; Elend Translation rus ветер и снег ; буран , метель

JMdict 200217
Word 猛吹雪
Reading もうふぶき
Translation hun hóvihar
Translation eng blizzard ; furious snowstorm Translation ger heftiger Schneesturm

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