Unicode 5.2
Character Definition shrub
Pinyin SU4 Jyutping cuk1 sok3 On SOKU Kun SHIBA

JMdict 100319
Word 低木
Reading ていぼく
Translation eng shrub ; shrubbery Translation ger Strauch ; Busch

JMdict 100319
Word 灌木 ; 潅木 ; かん木
Reading かんぼく
Translation eng bush ; shrub Translation ger Strauch ; Busch

CEDict 100318
Traditional 小樹 Simplified 小树
Pinyin xiao3 shu4
English shrub ; small tree ; sapling

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin su4
English shrub

CEDict 100318
Traditional 灌木 Simplified 灌木
Pinyin guan4 mu4
English bush ; shrub

CEDict 100318
Traditional 灌木叢 Simplified 灌木丛
Pinyin guan4 mu4 cong2
English shrub ; shrubbery

CEDict 100318
Traditional 矮樹 Simplified 矮树
Pinyin ai3 shu4
English short tree ; bush ; shrub

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin su4 Reading On ソク Reading Kun しば
Meaning shrub

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition shrub
Pinyin Jyutping cuk1 sok3 On SOKU Kun SHIBA

JMdict 200217
Word 低木
Reading ていぼく
Translation dut struik ; heester ; struikgewas ; heestergewas Translation hun bokor ; cserje ; bokorültetvény ; bokrokkal beültetett föld ; cserjékkel beültetett föld ; élősövény Translation spa arbusto ; matorral
Translation eng shrub ; shrubbery Translation ger Strauch ; Busch

JMdict 200217
Word 灌木 ; 潅木 ; かん木
Reading かんぼく
Translation dut struik {plantk .} ; heester Translation hun bokor ; borostyánág ; csapágypersely ; cserje ; őserdő ; rumos limonádé Translation spa arbusto
Translation eng bush ; shrub Translation ger Strauch ; Busch Translation rus ( бот .) кустарник

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin su4 Reading On ソク Reading Kun しば
Meaning shrub

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 小樹 Simplified 小树
Pinyin xiao3 shu4
English shrub ; small tree ; sapling

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin su4
English shrub

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 灌木 Simplified 灌木
Pinyin guan4 mu4
English bush ; shrub

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 灌木叢 Simplified 灌木丛
Pinyin guan4 mu4 cong2
English shrub ; shrubbery

JMdict 200217
Word ;
Translation dut boom ; hout ; struik Translation hun bitó ; bitófa ; élőfa ; fa ; kaptafa ; munkapad ; támfa ; erdő ; liget Translation slv drevo Translation spa árbol ; madera Translation swe träd
Translation eng tree ; shrub ; bush ; wood ; timber Translation ger Schlaghölzer ; Baum ; Holz Translation fre arbre ; arbuste ; buisson ; bois ( matière ) Translation rus дерево ; 1) дерево , деревцо ; древесный {~の} ; безлесный {~のない} ; 2) дерево , лес ( как материал ) ; 3) {деревянные} била яп . театре )

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 矮樹 Simplified 矮树
Pinyin ai3 shu4
English short tree ; bush ; shrub

JMdict 100319
Word 植込み ; 植え込み
Reading うえこみ
Translation eng thick growth of plants ; plantation ; shrubbery Translation ger Pflanzung ; Anpflanzen ; Einpassen

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 灌木林 Simplified 灌木林
Pinyin guan4 mu4 lin2
English shrubbery ; low wood

JMdict 100319

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 灌叢 Simplified 灌丛
Pinyin guan4 cong2
English scrub ; shrubland ; undergrowth

Records 1 - 25 of 25 retrieved in 386 ms