Unicode 5.2
Character Definition far , deep ; sunken eyes ; sad
Pinyin YAO3 Jyutping jiu2 On YOU OU BEN MEN Hangul Korean YO Tang *qěu
Meyer, Wempe: Student's Cantonese-English Dictiona 914e

Unicode 5.2
Character 𤨩
Big5 HK Supplementary Character Set 914E IRG Hong Kong SAR 914E

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition black color , black specks ; mottles on the face , black face , ( same as ) to faint ; giddy and dizzy
Pinyin YUN4 ZENG4 Jyutping zaan6
KPS 10721-2000 914E

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition double-fermented wine , vintage wine
Pinyin ZHOU4 Jyutping zau6 On CHUU Kun KAMOSU Hangul Korean CWU
Unicode Code Point 914E

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition far , deep ; sunken eyes ; sad
Pinyin yǎo Jyutping jiu2 On YOU OU BEN MEN Hangul : 1N Korean YO Tang *qěu
Meyer, Wempe: Student's Cantonese-English Dictiona 914e

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition black color , black specks ; mottles on the face , black face , ( same as ) to faint ; giddy and dizzy
Pinyin yìng Jyutping zaan6
KPS 10721-2000 914E

Unicode 12.1
Character 𤨩
Jyutping sau1
Big5 HK Supplementary Character Set 914E

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition double-fermented wine , vintage wine
Pinyin zhòu Jyutping zau6 On CHUU Kun KAMOSU Hangul : 0N Korean CWU
Unicode Code Point 914E

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