Unicode 5.2
Character Definition deep ; depth ; far ; very , extreme
Pinyin SHEN1 Jyutping sam1 On SHIN Kun FUKAI FUKASA FUKAMERU Hangul Korean SIM Tang *shim Viet thâm
Cangjie Input Code EBCD

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to sew in close stitches
Pinyin JI1 QI4 QI1 JI2 Jyutping cap1 On SHUU Kun TSUMUGU Hangul Korean CIP CUP
Simplified U+7F09
KPS 9566-97 EBCD

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition two pieces of wood underneath a cart
Pinyin FU4 Jyutping fuk1 On FUKU BUKU Kun TOKOSHIBARI Hangul Korean POK

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition deep ; depth ; far ; very , extreme
Pinyin shēn Jyutping sam1 On SHIN Kun FUKAI FUKASA FUKAMERU Hangul : 0E Korean SIM Tang *shim Viet thâm
Cangjie Input Code EBCD

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition to sew in close stitches
Pinyin Jyutping cap1 On SHUU Kun TSUMUGU Hangul : 0N Korean CIP CUP
Simplified U+7F09
KPS 9566-97 EBCD

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition two pieces of wood underneath a cart
Pinyin Jyutping fuk1 On FUKU BUKU Kun TOKOSHIBARI Hangul : 0N Korean POK

JMdict 100319
Reading エビシディック
Translation eng EBCDIC

JMdict 200217
Reading エビシディック
Translation spa EBCDIC
Translation eng EBCDIC

Records 1 - 8 of 8 retrieved in 43 ms