JMdict 200217
Word 青物
Reading あおもの
Translation dut groene groente ; groensel {gew .} ; groenten {i .h.a.} ; warmoes {veroud .} ; vegetabiliën {w .g.} ; blauwgeschubde vissen bonito {dierk .} {= ; makreel e.a.} Translation hun angyalbőr ; katonai egyenruha ; zöldfőzelék Translation spa verduras ; hortalizas
Translation eng vegetables ; ( edible ) greens ; blueback ( any fish with a bluish back , such as the Japanese sardine ) Translation ger Grünzeug ; Gemüse ; Fisch mit grüner Haut ( wie Makrele od . Sardine ) Translation fre légumes ; herbes ( comestibles , potagères ) Translation rus 1) зелень , овощи ; 2) рыба с синей чешуёй

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