Unicode 5.2
Character Definition skin ; superficial , shallow
Pinyin FU1 Jyutping fu1 On FU Kun HADA Hangul Korean PWU Tang *bio
Simplified U+80A4

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition skin ; superficial , shallow
Pinyin Jyutping fu1 On FU Kun HADA Hangul : 0N Korean PWU Tang *bio
Simplified U+80A4

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition black clods of earth ; shop , hut
Pinyin LU2 Jyutping lou4 On RO RYO Kun RURORI Hangul Korean LO Tang lo
Simplified U+5786

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition black clods of earth ; shop , hut
Pinyin Jyutping lou4 On RO RYO Kun RURORI Hangul : 1N Korean LO Tang lo
Simplified U+5786

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition supporting block ; sumac , loquat
Pinyin LU2 Jyutping lou4 On RO Kun HAZE
Simplified U+680C

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition supporting block ; sumac , loquat
Pinyin Jyutping lou4 On RO Kun HAZE Hangul :N
Simplified U+680C

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition fireplace , stove , oven , furnace
Pinyin LU2 Jyutping lou4 On RO Kun IRORI Hangul Korean LO Tang *lo Viet chùa
Simplified U+7089 Variant U+F932

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition fireplace , stove , oven , furnace
Pinyin Jyutping lou4 On RO Kun IRORI Hangul :0 : 0E Korean LO Tang *lo Viet chùa
Simplified U+7089 Variant U+F932

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition fireplace , stove , oven , furnace
Pinyin LU2 Jyutping lou4 lou5 On RO Kun IRORI Hangul Korean LO Tang lo

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition fireplace , stove , oven , furnace
Pinyin Jyutping lou4 lou5 On RO Kun IRORI Hangul : 1N Korean LO Tang lo

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition bamboo ; the handle of the spear
Pinyin LU2 Jyutping lou4 On RO RU Kun E KAGO Viet gắt lờ

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition bamboo ; the handle of the spear
Pinyin Jyutping lou4 On RO RU Kun E KAGO Viet gắt lờ

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to soften hemp by boiling ; thread
Pinyin LU2 Jyutping lou4 On RO RU Kun NUNOITO

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition to soften hemp by boiling ; thread
Pinyin Jyutping lou4 On RO RU Kun NUNOITO

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition skull
Pinyin LU2 Jyutping lou4 On RO Kun KASHIRA Hangul Korean LO
Simplified U+9885

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition skull
Pinyin Jyutping lou4 On RO Kun KASHIRA Hangul : 1N Korean LO
Simplified U+9885

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition hut , cottage ; name of a mountain
Pinyin LU2 Jyutping lou4 On RYO RO Kun IORI IE Hangul Korean LYE Tang *liu
Simplified U+5E90 Variant U+F982

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition hut , cottage ; name of a mountain
Pinyin Jyutping lou4 On RYO RO Kun IORI IE Hangul : 0N :0 Korean LYE Tang *liu
Simplified U+5E90 Variant U+F982

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition arrange in order ; display
Pinyin LU2 LÜ3 Jyutping lou4 On RYO RO Kun KAWA TSURANERU TSUTAERU Hangul Korean LYE
Simplified U+80EA

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition arrange in order ; display
Pinyin Jyutping lou4 On RYO RO Kun KAWA TSURANERU TSUTAERU Hangul : 1N Korean LYE
Simplified U+80EA

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin LÜ3 Jyutping leoi5 On RYO RO Kun TSUTOMENAISAMA Hangul Korean LYE

Unicode 12.1
Pinyin Jyutping leoi5 On RYO RO Kun TSUTOMENAISAMA Hangul : 1N Korean LYE

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition madder
Pinyin LÜ2 Jyutping leoi4 On RYO RO

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition madder
Pinyin Jyutping leoi4 On RYO RO

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition file , rasp ; file ; polish ; ( Cant .) to cut
Pinyin LÜ4 Jyutping leoi3 leoi6 On RYO RO Kun YASURI Hangul Korean LYE

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition file , rasp ; file ; polish ; ( Cant .) to cut
Pinyin Jyutping leoi3 leoi6 On RYO RO Kun YASURI Hangul : 1N Korean LYE

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition spread , disperse ; vent , set forth
Pinyin SHU1 Jyutping syu1 On CHO Kun NOBERU Hangul Korean THE Viet lựa
Simplified U+6445

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition spread , disperse ; vent , set forth
Pinyin shū Jyutping syu1 On CHO Kun NOBERU Hangul : 0N Korean THE Viet lựa
Simplified U+6445

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