Unicode 12.1
Pinyin tūn

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition part , division , section
Pinyin Jyutping bou6 On BU HO HOU Kun WAKERU SUBERU TSUKASA Hangul : 0E Korean PWU Tang bhǒ Viet bộ
Variant U+5369

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition boots
Pinyin XUE1 On KA Kun KUTSU

Unicode 5.2
Character 𪐥

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin XIAO2

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition boots
Pinyin xuē Jyutping hoe1 On KA Kun KUTSU

Unicode 12.1
Character 𪐥
Pinyin tài

Unicode 12.1
Pinyin xiáo

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition a saddle fastener
Pinyin JIAN1 Tang tzen

Unicode 5.2
Character 𪐦

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition name of a stream in Sichuan province
Pinyin QI1 CI1 Jyutping cai1 Hangul Korean CHE

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition a saddle fastener
Pinyin jiān Jyutping zin1 Tang tzen

Unicode 12.1
Character 𪐦
Pinyin hāng

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition name of a stream in Sichuan province
Pinyin Jyutping cai1 Hangul : 1N Korean CHE

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition a sheath , scabbard
Pinyin QIAO4

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin XI4 Hangul Korean KI

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin PI2 Jyutping pei4 On HI BI HAI BAI Hangul Korean PI

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition a sheath , scabbard
Pinyin qiào Jyutping ciu3

Unicode 12.1
Pinyin Hangul :1 Korean KI

Unicode 12.1
Pinyin Jyutping pei4 On HI BI HAI BAI Hangul : 1N Korean PI

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition knee-pad
Pinyin BI4 Jyutping bat1 On HITSU HICHI Kun HIZAKAKE Hangul Korean PHIL

Unicode 5.2
Character 𪐤

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin QING1

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition knee-pad
Pinyin Jyutping bat1 On HITSU HICHI Kun HIZAKAKE Hangul : 1N Korean PHIL

Unicode 12.1
Character 𪐤

Unicode 12.1
Pinyin qīng

Unicode 5.2
Character 𥑬

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin QIAN2 Jyutping kim4 Hangul Korean KYEM

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition outer part ( of a city ); surname
Pinyin GUO1 GUO2 Jyutping gwok3 On KAKU Kun KURUWA Hangul Korean KWAK Tang *guɑk Viet quách

Unicode 12.1
Pinyin qián Jyutping kim4 Hangul : 1N Korean KYEM

Unicode 12.1
Character 𥑬
Jyutping caak3

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition outer part ( of a city ); surname
Pinyin guō Jyutping gwok3 On KAKU Kun KURUWA Hangul : 0E Korean KWAK Tang *guɑk Viet quách

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition scallion , leek
Pinyin JIU3 Jyutping gau2 On KYOU KU Kun NIRA Hangul Korean KWU
Variant U+97ED

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition white with black ; black and beautiful , name of a county in ancient times
Pinyin DA2 ZHAN3 Jyutping daat3

Unicode 5.2

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition white with black ; black and beautiful , name of a county in ancient times
Pinyin Jyutping daat3

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition scallion , leek
Pinyin jiǔ Jyutping gau2 On KYOU KU Kun NIRA Hangul :1 Korean KWU
Variant U+97ED

Unicode 12.1
Pinyin zhōu

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin LAI2 Viet trai

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition name of a small ancient principality which was situated in what is now part of Shantung and Kiangsu
Pinyin TAN2 Jyutping taam4 On TAN DAN Hangul Korean TAM

Unicode 12.1
Pinyin lái Jyutping loi4 Viet trai

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition name of a small ancient principality which was situated in what is now part of Shantung and Kiangsu
Pinyin tán Jyutping taam4 On TAN DAN Hangul : 1N Korean TAM

JMdict 100319

HanDeDict 100318
Traditional 90年代 Simplified 90年代
Pinyin 9 0 ri4 nian2
Deutsch 90er (u.E.)

HanDeDict 200217
Traditional 90年代 Simplified 90年代
Pinyin 9 0 ri4 nian2
Deutsch 90er

Records 51 - 95 of 95 retrieved in 394 ms