JMnedict 200217
Reading ヨンメルリ Romaji Jommelli

JMdict 100319
Word 縄文
Reading じょうもん
Translation eng Jomon period ; straw-rope pattern Translation ger Schnurmuster ; Strohschnurmuster ; {japan . Gesch .} Jômon-Zeit ; ( Abk . ; als Apposition ) Translation fre ère Jomon/période Jomon ; motif tressé ( poterie )

JMdict 200217
Word 縄文時代
Reading じょうもんじだい
Translation dut Jōmon-periode 10.000 - ca . 300 v. Chr .} {Jap . gesch .} {ca .
Translation eng Jōmon period ( ca . 10000-300 BCE ) Translation ger Jōmon-Zeit

JMdict 200217
Word 縄文人
Reading じょうもんじん
Translation eng Jomon people ; Jomon man

HanDeDict 100318
Traditional 繩文時代 Simplified 绳文时代
Pinyin sheng2 wen2 shi2 dai4
Deutsch japanische Schnurkeramik Kultur (u.E.) ; Jōmon-Periode (u.E.) ( Eig )

HanDeDict 200217

JMnedict 100319

JMnedict 200217

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition corresponding ; equivalent , cosiderable ; to a great extent , appropriate , ( same as ) a hollow , concave
Pinyin GE2 KE4 Jyutping gaap3 hau1 kaap6

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition corresponding ; equivalent , considerable ; to a great extent , appropriate , ( same as ) a hollow , concave
Pinyin Jyutping gaap3 hau1 kaap6

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( ancient form of 宿 ) ahalting place ; to lodge for the night , to keep over night , to cherish , asleep and perching
Pinyin SU4 Jyutping suk1

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition ( ancient form of 宿 ) a halting place ; to lodge for the night , to keep over night , to cherish , asleep and perching
Pinyin Jyutping suk1

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