
Unicode 5.2
Character Definition drooping leaves ; fringe soft , delicate
Pinyin RUI2 Jyutping jeoi4 On ZUI NI SOU SHOU SUI Hangul Korean YU Tang njui

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin rui2
English fringe ; overladen with flowers

HanDeDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin rui2
Deutsch Franse (u.E.) (S) ; säumen , Einfassung (u.E.) (S)

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin rui2 Reading On ニ ; ソウ ; ショウ ; スイ Reading Korean yu
Meaning drooping leaves ; fringe soft ; delicate

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition drooping leaves ; fringe soft , delicate
Pinyin ruí Jyutping jeoi4 On ZUI NI SOU SHOU SUI Hangul : 1N Korean YU Tang njui

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin rui2 Reading On ニ ; ソウ ; ショウ ; スイ Reading Korean yu
Meaning drooping leaves ; fringe soft ; delicate

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin rui2
English fringe ; overladen with flowers

HanDeDict 200217
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin rui2
Deutsch Franse (S) ; säumen , Einfassung (S)

JMdict 100319
Word 蕤賓
Reading すいひん
Translation eng ( in China ) 7th note of the ancient chromatic scale ( approx . G sharp ) ; fifth lunar month

JMdict 200217
Word すい賓 ; 蕤賓
Reading すいひん
Translation eng China ) 7th note of the ancient chromatic scale ( approx . G sharp ) ; fifth lunar month
Crossref 十二律 ; 鳧鐘

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