
JMdict 100319
Word 逸話
Reading いつわ
Translation eng anecdote Translation ger Anekdote ; Episode Translation fre anecdote

CEDict 100318
Traditional 逸話 Simplified 逸话
Pinyin yi4 hua4
English rumor ; anecdote ( not in the official record ) ; apocryphal story

JMdict 200217
Word 逸話
Reading いつわ
Translation dut anekdote ; fait divers Translation hun adoma Translation spa anécdota Translation swe anekdot
Translation eng anecdote Translation ger Anekdote ; Episode Translation fre anecdote Translation rus анекдот ; анекдотический {~的}

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 逸話 Simplified 逸话
Pinyin yi4 hua4
English rumor ; anecdote ( not in the official record ) ; apocryphal story

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