JMdict 100319
Reading アネクドート
Translation eng anecdote Translation ger Anekdote

JMdict 100319
Word 一つ話
Reading ひとつばなし
Translation eng anecdote ; common talk Translation ger Anekdote ; wohlbekannte Geschichte

JMdict 100319
Word 一口話
Reading ひとくちばなし
Translation eng joke ; anecdote Translation ger Anekdote ; kleine Geschichte

JMdict 100319

JMdict 100319
Word 逸話
Reading いつわ
Translation eng anecdote Translation ger Anekdote ; Episode Translation fre anecdote

JMdict 100319
Word 小話 ; 小咄
Reading こばなし ; しょうわ
Translation eng anecdote ; brief ( comic ) story Translation ger Anekdote ; Geschichtchen ; Humoreske ; lustige Geschichte im Rakugo

JMdict 100319
Word 珍談
Reading ちんだん
Translation eng funny story ; anecdote ; gossip Translation ger lustige Geschichte ; komische Geschichte ; Episode ; Anekdote Translation fre histoire drôle ; récit comique

JMdict 100319

JMdict 100319

CEDict 100318
Traditional 奇聞 Simplified 奇闻
Pinyin qi2 wen2
English anecdote ; fantastic story

CEDict 100318
Traditional 軼事遺聞 Simplified 轶事遗闻
Pinyin yi4 shi4 yi2 wen2
English anecdote ( about historical person ) ; lost or apocryphal story

CEDict 100318
Traditional 軼聞 Simplified 轶闻
Pinyin yi4 wen2
English anecdote ; lost or apocryphal story

CEDict 100318
Traditional 逸事 Simplified 逸事
Pinyin yi4 shi4
English anecdote ; lost or apocryphal story about famous person

CEDict 100318
Traditional 逸話 Simplified 逸话
Pinyin yi4 hua4
English rumor ; anecdote ( not in the official record ) ; apocryphal story

JMdict 200217
Reading アネクドート
Translation dut anekdote ; anekdot {= politieke mop ten tijde van de USSR} Translation hun adoma Translation spa anécdota ( eng : anecdote ) Translation swe anekdot
Translation eng anecdote Translation ger Anekdote Translation rus (( англ .) anecdote ) ; 1) анекдот ; короткий рассказ ; 2) необычный факт

JMdict 200217
Reading エピソード
Translation dut episode ; anekdote ; historietje Translation hun epizód Translation spa episodio ( eng : episode ) Translation swe episod
Translation eng episode ; anecdote ; vignette Translation ger Episode ; Anekdote ; Nebenhandlung Translation rus (( англ .) episode ) эпизод

JMdict 200217
Word 一つ話
Reading ひとつばなし
Translation hun adoma Translation spa anécdota ; plática común
Translation eng anecdote ; common talk Translation ger Anekdote ; oft erzählte Begebenheit ; seit langem erzählte seltsame Geschichte Translation rus общеизвестная история

JMdict 200217
Word 一口話
Reading ひとくちばなし
Translation hun móka ; tréfa Translation spa broma ; anécdota
Translation eng joke ; anecdote Translation ger Anekdote ; kleine Geschichte Translation rus короткий рассказ ; анекдот

JMdict 200217
Word 逸事
Reading いつじ
Translation hun adoma Translation spa anécdota ; hecho desconocido
Translation eng anecdote ; unknown fact Translation ger eine unbekannte Tatsache ; der Öffentlichkeit nicht bekannter Sachverhalt ; Anekdote Translation rus ( кн .) анекдот

JMdict 200217
Word 逸話
Reading いつわ
Translation dut anekdote ; fait divers Translation hun adoma Translation spa anécdota Translation swe anekdot
Translation eng anecdote Translation ger Anekdote ; Episode Translation fre anecdote Translation rus анекдот ; анекдотический {~的}

JMdict 200217

JMdict 200217
Word 挿話
Reading そうわ
Translation dut ingeweven verhaal {lett .} ; episode ; terloopse uitweiding ; parenthese Translation hun epizód Translation spa episodio Translation swe episod
Translation eng episode ; side story ; story within a story ; aside ; anecdote Translation ger Episode ; Anekdote ; Nebenhandlung Translation fre épisode Translation rus эпизод ; эпизодический {~的}

JMdict 200217
Word 場繋ぎ ; 場つなぎ
Reading ばつなぎ
Translation hun adoma
Translation eng filling in (e.g. between speakers at a meeting , acts at a show ) ; material used to fill in ( between speeches at a meeting , etc .) ; anecdote

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 軼事遺聞 Simplified 轶事遗闻
Pinyin yi4 shi4 yi2 wen2
English anecdote ( about historical person ) ; lost or apocryphal story

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 軼聞 Simplified 轶闻
Pinyin yi4 wen2
English anecdote ; apocryphal story

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 逸事 Simplified 逸事
Pinyin yi4 shi4
English anecdote ; lost or apocryphal story about famous person

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 逸話 Simplified 逸话
Pinyin yi4 hua4
English rumor ; anecdote ( not in the official record ) ; apocryphal story

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 掌故 Simplified 掌故
Pinyin zhang3 gu4
English anecdote ; tales ( esp . about historical figure )

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 奇聞 Simplified 奇闻
Pinyin qi2 wen2
English anecdote ; fantastic story

JMdict 200217

CEDict 100318
Traditional 掌故 Simplified 掌故
Pinyin zhang3 gu4
English anecdote ; tales ( esp . about historical figure )

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 美談 Simplified 美谈
Pinyin mei3 tan2
English anecdote passed on with approbation

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