Unicode 5.2
Character Definition palace corridor or passageway
Pinyin KUN3 Jyutping kwan2 On KON Kun HEYANOTSURO OKU Korean HO Viet hồ
Simplified U+58F8
IRG Japan 0-5467

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition early ; soon ; morning
Pinyin ZAO3 Jyutping zou2 On SOU SATSU Kun HAYAI HAYA SA Hangul Korean CO Tang *tzɑ̌u Viet tảo
IRG PRC and Singapore 0-5467

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition beans , peas ; bean-shaped
Pinyin DOU4 Jyutping dau2 dau6 On TOU ZU Kun MAME TAKATSUKI Hangul Korean TWU Tang dhòu Viet đậu
IRG South Korea 0-5467

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