Unicode 5.2
Character Definition behind , rear , after ; descendents
Pinyin HOU4 Jyutping hau6 On GO KOU Kun OKURERU NOCHI ATO Hangul Korean HWU Tang *hǒu hòu Viet hậu
Simplified U+540E
IRG PRC and Singapore 0-6161

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition feel tired , be weary , be worn out
Pinyin CUI4 Jyutping seoi6 On SUI Kun TSUKARERU Hangul Korean CHWI Viet tuỵ
IRG Japan 0-6161

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition humble , modest ; yield
Pinyin XUN4 Jyutping seon3 On SON Kun YUZURU HERIKUDARU SHITAGAU Hangul Korean SON Tang suə̀n
Simplified U+900A
IRG South Korea 0-6161

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