Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to break off ( relations ); to sever , to exterminate ; to annihilate ; to wipe out , to pierce ; to stabl ; to irritate ; to hurt , to hold weapons , agricultural implements ; far tools , sharp will ; eager intention ; determination
Jyutping cim1
Grammata Serica Recensa, 1957 0620a

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition to break off ( relations ); to sever , to exterminate ; to annihilate ; to wipe out , to pierce ; to stab ; to irritate ; to hurt , to hold weapons , agricultural implements ; far tools , sharp will ; eager intention ; determination
Pinyin jiān Jyutping cim1
Grammata Serica Recensa, 1957 0620a

Records 1 - 2 of 2 retrieved in 49 ms