Unicode 5.2
Character Definition bulky ; thick and large ; confused
Pinyin PANG2 MANG2 Jyutping mong4 pong4 On BOU Kun OOKII Hangul Korean PANG
Variant U+9F90
Nelson: Modern Reader's Japanese-English Character 0822

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition big , large ; robust ; name of tribe
Pinyin ZHUANG4 Jyutping zong3 On SOU Kun SAKAN Hangul Korean CANG Tang *jriɑ̀ng Viet tráng
Simplified U+58EE
Hong Kong proper shape 0822

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition call
Pinyin HUAN4 Jyutping wun6 On KAN Kun YOBU Korean HWAN
Traditional U+559A
PRC Telegraph Code 0822

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition call , summon ; invite ; be called
Pinyin HUAN4 Jyutping fun3 wun6 On KAN Kun YOBU Hangul Korean HWAN Tang huɑ̀n Viet hoán
Simplified U+5524
Taiwan Telegraph 0822

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition big , large ; robust ; name of tribe
Pinyin zhuàng Jyutping zong3 On SOU Kun SAKAN Hangul : 0E Korean CANG Tang *jriɑ̀ng Viet tráng
Simplified U+58EE
Hong Kong proper shape 0822

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition call
Pinyin huàn Jyutping wun6 On KAN Kun YOBU Korean HWAN
Traditional U+559A
PRC Telegraph Code 0822

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition call , summon ; invite ; be called
Pinyin huàn Jyutping fun3 wun6 On KAN Kun YOBU Hangul : 0N Korean HWAN Tang huɑ̀n Viet hoán
Simplified U+5524
Taiwan Telegraph 0822

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition bulky ; thick and large ; confused
Pinyin páng Jyutping mong4 pong4 On BOU Kun OOKII Hangul : 1N Korean PANG
Variant U+9F90
Nelson: Modern Reader's Japanese-English Character 0822

Unicode 5.2
Character 𥍞

Unicode 12.1
Character 𥍞

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition slow of speech ; mumble ; stammer
Pinyin NE4 NA4 Jyutping nat6 neot6
Traditional U+8A25

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition slow of speech ; mumble ; stammer
Pinyin Jyutping nat6 neot6
Traditional U+8A25

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to pierce ; to stab ; to irritate ; to hurt , a thorn
Pinyin NANG2 NIU3 NONG3 PANG2 Jyutping naau2

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition to pierce ; to stab ; to irritate ; to hurt , a thorn
Pinyin niǔ Jyutping naau2

Unicode 5.2
Character 𥍟

Unicode 12.1
Character 𥍟

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition pity , feel sorry for , show sympat
Pinyin JIN1 GUAN1 QIN2 Jyutping ging1 gwaan1 gwan1 On KIN KEI KAN Kun AWAREMU TSUTSUSHIMU HOKORU Hangul Korean KUNG KUN Tang giəng Viet căng

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition pity , feel sorry for , show sympat
Pinyin jīn Jyutping ging1 gwaan1 gwan1 On KIN KEI KAN Kun AWAREMU TSUTSUSHIMU HOKORU Hangul : 0N Korean KUNG KUN Tang giəng Viet căng

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition interrogative or emphatic final ; ( Cant .) this
Pinyin NI2 NE5 Jyutping ne1 nei1 nei4 ni1 On JI NI Hangul Korean NI Viet nài

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition interrogative or emphatic final ; ( Cant .) this
Pinyin ne Jyutping ne1 nei1 nei4 ni1 On JI NI Hangul : 1N Korean NI Viet nài

Unicode 5.2
Character 𥍠

Unicode 12.1
Character 𥍠

Unicode 5.2
Character 𥍡

Unicode 12.1
Character 𥍡

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition hungry , starving , famished
Pinyin NEI3 Jyutping noi5
Traditional U+9912

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition hungry , starving , famished
Pinyin něi Jyutping noi5
Traditional U+9912

Unicode 5.2
Character 𥍢

Unicode 12.1
Character 𥍢

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition inside
Pinyin NEI4 Jyutping noi6 On DAI NAI Kun UCHI IRU IRERU Korean NAY NAP Viet nội
Traditional U+5167

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition inside
Pinyin nèi Jyutping noi6 On DAI NAI Kun UCHI IRU IRERU Korean NAY NAP Viet nội
Traditional U+5167

Unicode 5.2
Character 𥍣

Unicode 12.1
Character 𥍣
Pinyin hào

Unicode 5.2
Character 𥍤

Unicode 12.1
Character 𥍤

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition flag
Pinyin QI2 Jyutping kei4 On KI GE Kun HATA Hangul Korean KI

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition romantic ; tender ; charming
Pinyin YI3 Jyutping ji2 On I Kun NABIKU Tang qyɛ̌

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition flag
Pinyin Jyutping kei4 On KI GE Kun HATA Hangul : 1N Korean KI

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition romantic ; tender ; charming
Pinyin Jyutping ji2 On I Kun NABIKU Tang qyɛ̌

Unicode 5.2
Character 𥍥

Unicode 12.1
Character 𥍥

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin LIN2

Unicode 5.2
Character 𥍦

Unicode 12.1
Pinyin jīn Jyutping ging1

Unicode 12.1
Character 𥍦

Unicode 5.2
Character 𥍧

Unicode 12.1
Character 𥍧

Unicode 5.2
Character 𥍨

Unicode 12.1
Character 𥍨
Pinyin guǐ

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to pierce ; to stab ; to irritate ; to hurt , a thorn , a lance ; a spear
Pinyin TONG2 Jyutping tung4

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition to pierce ; to stab ; to irritate ; to hurt , a thorn , a lance ; a spear
Pinyin tóng Jyutping tung4

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