Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( non-classical form of ) to jump ; to leap ; to bounce ; to spring , ( same as ) the main steps ; the throne ; the steps leading to the eastern door
Pinyin TIAO2 Jyutping tou4
KangXi 1224.090

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition ( non-classical form of ) to jump ; to leap ; to bounce ; to spring , ( same as ) the main steps ; the throne ; the steps leading to the eastern door
Pinyin tiáo Jyutping tou4
KangXi 1224.090

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition must not , do not ; without , never
Pinyin WU4 Jyutping mat6 On BUTSU BOTSU MOCHI Kun NASHI NAKARE Hangul Korean MWUL MOL Tang *miət Viet vật

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition must not , do not ; without , never
Pinyin Jyutping mat6 On BUTSU BOTSU MOCHI Kun NASHI NAKARE Hangul : 0E Korean MWUL MOL Tang *miət Viet vật

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