Unicode 12.1
Character Definition horse with long mane
Pinyin máo Jyutping mou4 wu4
KangXi 1435.040

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition horse with long mane
Pinyin LIU2 MAO2 Jyutping mou4 wu4
KangXi 1435.040

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to suck , to smack the lips ; ( Cant .) to cheat
Pinyin ZA1 Jyutping sap1 zaap3 On SOU Kun SUU Korean CAP Viet táp

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition to suck , to smack the lips ; ( Cant .) to cheat
Pinyin Jyutping sap1 zaap3 On SOU Kun SUU Korean CAP Viet táp

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