Unicode 5.2
Character Definition accuse ; sue ; inform ; narrate
Pinyin SU4 Jyutping sou3 On SO Kun UTTAERU UTTAE Hangul Korean SO Tang Viet tố
Simplified U+8BC9
Morohashi index 35325
IRG Dai Kanwa Ziten (Morohashi) 35325

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin su4 Reading On Reading Kun うった . える Reading Korean so Reading Korean
Meaning accusation ; sue ; complain of pain ; appeal to Meaning fr plainte ; accusation ; poursuites ; faire appel Meaning es denuncia ; acusación ; demanda ; pleito ; denunciar ; acusar ; pleitear Meaning pt acusação ; processo ; queixar-se de dor ; apelar para
Dictionary dr_moro 35325

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition accuse ; sue ; inform ; narrate
Pinyin Jyutping sou3 On SO Kun UTTAERU UTTAE Hangul : 0E Korean SO Tang Viet tố
Simplified U+8BC9
Morohashi index 35325
IRG Dai Kanwa Ziten (Morohashi) 35325

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin su4 Reading On Reading Kun うった . える Reading Korean so Reading Korean
Meaning accusation ; sue ; complain of pain ; appeal to Meaning fr plainte ; accusation ; poursuites ; faire appel Meaning es denuncia ; acusación ; demanda ; pleito ; denunciar ; acusar ; pleitear Meaning pt acusação ; processo ; queixar-se de dor ; apelar para
Dictionary dr_moro 35325

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