Unicode 5.2
Character Definition draw out , pull out ; sprout
Pinyin CHOU1 Jyutping cau1 On CHUU Kun NUKU HIKU Hangul Korean CHWU Tang *tjiou Viet trừu
Fenn: The Five Thousand Dictionary, 1979 818A

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition oil , fat , grease , lard ; paints
Pinyin YOU2 YOU4 Jyutping jau4 On YU YUU Kun ABURA Hangul Korean YU Tang iou Viet dầu
Fenn: The Five Thousand Dictionary, 1979 818A

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition sleeve ; put something in sleeve
Pinyin XIU4 Jyutping zau6 On SHUU Kun SODE Hangul Korean SWU Tang *ziòu Viet tụ
Variant U+890E
Fenn: The Five Thousand Dictionary, 1979 818A

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( same as ) a speculum used in ancient times , to produce fire from the rays of the sun
Pinyin SUI4 Jyutping seoi6
KPS 10721-2000 818A

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition shoulders , upper arms
Pinyin BO2 PO4 LIE4 Jyutping bok3 On HAKU RETSU HAI Kun HOJISHI ABAKU SAKAI Hangul Korean PAK
Unicode Code Point 818A

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition draw out , pull out ; sprout
Pinyin chōu Jyutping cau1 On CHUU Kun NUKU HIKU Hangul : 0E Korean CHWU Tang *tjiou Viet trừu
Fenn: The Five Thousand Dictionary, 1979 818A

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition oil , fat , grease , lard ; paints
Pinyin yóu Jyutping jau4 On YU YUU Kun ABURA Hangul : 0E Korean YU Tang iou Viet dầu
Fenn: The Five Thousand Dictionary, 1979 818A

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition sleeve ; put something in sleeve
Pinyin xiù Jyutping zau6 On SHUU Kun SODE Hangul : 0N Korean SWU Tang *ziòu Viet tụ
Variant U+890E
Fenn: The Five Thousand Dictionary, 1979 818A

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition ( same as ) a speculum used in ancient times , to produce fire from the rays of the sun
Pinyin suì Jyutping seoi6
KPS 10721-2000 818A

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition shoulders , upper arms
Pinyin Jyutping bok3 On HAKU RETSU HAI Kun HOJISHI ABAKU SAKAI Hangul : 0N Korean PAK
Unicode Code Point 818A

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