Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( same as U+4A99 ) leather wrapped collar for a draft animal of a carriage , bags used on a carriage ; ( same as U+4A94 ) undergarments
Pinyin PO4 Jyutping pak3 pok3
KPS 10721-2000 8622

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition luxurious , extravagant
Pinyin CHI3 Jyutping ci2 On SHI I Kun OGORU Hangul Korean CHI Viet xỉ
KS X 1001:1992 8622

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition infertile
Pinyin XU4 Jyutping gwik1
Taiwan Telegraph 8622

Unicode 5.2
GB 7589-87 8622

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition mermaid ; manatee
Pinyin REN2 On JIN NIN Korean IN
GB 7590-87 8622

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition lose baby teeth and get adult teeth
Pinyin TIAO2 Jyutping tiu4 On CHOU Kun MISOPPA Hangul Korean CHO
Simplified U+9F86
GB 12345-90 8622

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition lose baby teeth and get adult teeth
Pinyin TIAO2 Jyutping tiu4
Traditional U+9F60
GB 2312-80 8622

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition tall grass ; water-weeds
Pinyin LONG2 LONG3 LONG4 Jyutping lung4 On ROU RYOU Kun OUKETADE Hangul Korean LONG Viet lùng
Simplified U+830F
Unicode Code Point 8622

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin kui1 Reading On Reading Kun つら . なる Reading Korean gyu
Meaning grand ; stately ; secure ; lasting
Dictionary dr_moro 8622

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition ( same as U+4A99 ) leather wrapped collar for a draft animal of a carriage , bags used on a carriage ; ( same as U+4A94 ) undergarments
Pinyin Jyutping pak3 pok3
KPS 10721-2000 8622

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition infertile
Pinyin Jyutping gwik1
Taiwan Telegraph 8622

Unicode 12.1
Pinyin shèn On SHIN JIN Kun KUROGANE
GB 7589-87 8622

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition mermaid ; manatee
Pinyin rén On JIN NIN Korean IN
GB 7590-87 8622

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition lose baby teeth and get adult teeth
Pinyin tiáo Jyutping tiu4 On CHOU Kun MISOPPA Hangul : 1N Korean CHO
Simplified U+9F86
GB 12345-90 8622

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition lose baby teeth and get adult teeth
Pinyin tiáo Jyutping tiu4
Traditional U+9F60
GB 2312-80 8622

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition tall grass ; water-weeds
Pinyin lóng Jyutping lung4 On ROU RYOU Kun OUKETADE Hangul : 1N Korean LONG Viet lùng
Simplified U+830F
Unicode Code Point 8622

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin kui1 Reading On Reading Kun つら . なる Reading Korean gyu
Meaning grand ; stately ; secure ; lasting
Dictionary dr_moro 8622

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition luxurious , extravagant
Pinyin chǐ Jyutping ci2 On SHI I Kun OGORU Hangul : 0N Korean CHI Viet xỉ
KS X 1001:1992 8622

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