Unicode 5.2
Character Definition an incised wound ; cuts
Pinyin CHI4 CHONG4

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to wound the skin ; to cut open ; to open out , ripped
Pinyin CHI2 Jyutping sai1

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition name of a mountain , ( non-classical form of ) the Min River ( in Sichuan ), Mt . Min ( in Sichuan ), name of a county ( in old China )
Pinyin CHI2 Jyutping ci4

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( standard form of ) to accuse ; to blame , to expel ; to drive off ; to reject
Pinyin CHI4 Jyutping cik1

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( same as U+388B ) vast , to open up , enlarge or expand , the blot of a door ; door latch , name of a person
Pinyin CHI3 Jyutping ci2

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition vast , to open up , enlarge or expand
Pinyin CHI3 Jyutping ci2

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( same as ) to unstring a bow ; to relax ; to neglect
Pinyin CHI2 Jyutping ci4

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition idle ; shiftless
Pinyin XI4 Jyutping hei3

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( same as ) a spoon , ( same as ) (a dialect ) a small table in front of the bed , a rack for clothes ; a clothes-horse
Pinyin CHI2 Jyutping ci4

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( same as ) to laugh at ; to make fun of ; to deride ; to ridicule
Jyutping ci1

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition a very great fire ; flourishing flames , rich ; exuberant ; grand ; prosperous
Pinyin CHI3 SHI3 Jyutping ci2

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to go hunting ; to go on a hunting expedition
Jyutping ci1

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition agricultural implements ; farm tools , name of a place
Pinyin CHI4 Jyutping cik1 cik3

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( interchangeable ) to have a casual and short glance ; to catch a glimpse of , pretty eyes , insight ; vision , bright eyes
Pinyin DI4 ZHI4 Jyutping daai6 zaai3

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition name of a variety of bamboo
Jyutping ci1

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition measuring unit ; end of spoilted silk
Pinyin CHI3 Jyutping ci2

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition clothes
Pinyin CHI2 Jyutping ci4

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( same as ) slow on talking ; incapable ; obtuse ; awkward
Pinyin CHI2 Jyutping ci4

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to jest ; to joke ; to quip ( same as ) unintelligible answering

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition frivolous ; contemptuous , to despise ; to speak ill of
Pinyin CHI2 Jyutping daai6 zaai3

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to jump ; to leap ; to bounce ; to spring , to pass over ; to go beyond ; to transgress ; to exceed , lame ; crippled
Pinyin CHI4

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to go , to walk in one leg ; leap ; crippled , ( ancient form of ) to pass ; to be gone ; to depart , ( interchangeable ) in a standstill ; stagnant ; impeded ; blocked
Pinyin CHI4

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition chemical element ; ( ) old translation ; Sr
Pinyin CHI4 Viet xích

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ancient music ; Chinese classical music
Pinyin CHI2 Jyutping ci4

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( same as ) to go swiftly ; to fleet ; to rush ; to speed
Pinyin CHI2 Jyutping ci4

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition a fierce ghost ; a malicious spirit ; evil spirits
Pinyin CHI4 Jyutping ci3

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition a kind of water bird with colorful feather
Pinyin CHI4 Jyutping cik1

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition prominent gums ( of the teeth )
Pinyin CHI2 MIN2 Jyutping ci4

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( same as U+7B8E ) a bamboo flute with seven holes
Pinyin CHI2 SHI3 Jyutping ci4 si4

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition marks preceding phrase as modifier of following phrase ; it , him her , them ; go to
Pinyin ZHI1 Jyutping zi1 On SHI Kun YUKU KORE NO Hangul Korean CI Tang *jiə jiə Viet chi

Unicode 5.2
Character 乿 Definition to cure , to heal

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition luxurious , extravagant
Pinyin CHI3 Jyutping ci2 On SHI I Kun OGORU Hangul Korean CHI Viet xỉ

Unicode 5.2

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin CHI2 On CHI JI Kun YUKU

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to hinder ; to detain
Pinyin CHI4 Jyutping cai3 On TEI TAI Kun TOMARU TODOMARU Korean CEY

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition imperial decree ; daoist magic
Pinyin CHI4 Jyutping cik1 On CHOKU Kun IMASHIMERU MIKOTONORI Hangul Korean CHIK Tang tjiək

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition reward ; sincere
Pinyin LAI4 CHI4 Jyutping cik1 loi4 On RAI CHAKU CHIKI Kun ITAWARU TADASU OSAMERU Korean LAY CHIK Viet sắc

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin SHI4 Korean SI

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition only , just , simply
Pinyin ZHI3 ZHI1 Jyutping zek3 zi2 On SHI Kun TADA Hangul Korean CI Tang *jǐɛ Viet chỉ
Traditional U+8879 U+96BB Variant U+6B62

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition scold , shout at , bawl out
Pinyin CHI4 Jyutping cik1 On SHITSU SHICHI Kun SHIKARU Hangul Korean CIL Tang chit Viet sứt

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition a straw bag ; a tobacco pouch
Pinyin CHI3 Kun KAMASU Korean IP

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition eat ; drink ; suffer , endure , bear
Pinyin CHI1 JI1 Jyutping gat1 hat1 hek3 jaak3 On KITSU Kun DOMORU Hangul Korean HUL Viet khật
Variant U+55AB

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition foot
Pinyin CHI3 Jyutping cek3 On SEKI Kun FIUTO Hangul Korean CHEK Tang *jiɛ̌ Viet xếch

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition sound of ripping or giggling
Pinyin CHI1 Jyutping ci1 On KA KE SEKI Kun MONOMI

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition only , merely ; just like ; stop at
Pinyin CHI4 Jyutping ci3 On SHI Kun TADA Hangul Korean SI

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition eat ; drink ; suffer , endure , bear
Pinyin CHI1 JI1 Jyutping hek3 jaak3 On KITSU KEKI Kun KUU NOMU Hangul Korean KKIK Viet khịt
Variant U+5403

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition laugh at , ridicule , sneer ; snort
Pinyin CHI1 Jyutping ci1 On SHI Kun WARAU Hangul Korean CHI Tang chiə

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin CHI1 On KITSU

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin CHI3

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition porch ; courtyard ; steps leading
Pinyin CHI2 Jyutping ci4 On CHI JI Kun KIZAHASHI SU Hangul Korean CI Tang *djhi

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