JMdict 100319
Word 官舎 ; 官舍
Reading かんしゃ
Translation eng official residence Translation ger Amtswohnung ; Dienstwohnung Translation rus официа́льная резиде́нция

JMdict 100319
Word 官邸
Reading かんてい
Translation eng official residence Translation ger Amtssitz ; Amtswohnung ; Residenz Translation fre résidence officielle

JMdict 200217
Word 官邸
Reading かんてい
Translation dut ambtswoning ; officiële residentie {Belg .N.} Translation spa residencia oficial Translation swe boställe
Translation eng official residence (e.g. of the prime minister ) Translation ger Amtswohnung ; Residenz Translation fre résidence officielle Translation rus официальная резиденция
Crossref 私邸

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