Unicode 5.2
Character Definition case , box , chest , trunk
Pinyin XIANG1 Jyutping soeng1 On SHOU SOU Kun HAKO Hangul Korean SANG Tang siɑng Viet rương
Cangjie Input Code HDBU

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition case , box , chest , trunk
Pinyin xiāng Jyutping soeng1 On SHOU SOU Kun HAKO Hangul : 0N Korean SANG Tang siɑng Viet rương
Cangjie Input Code HDBU

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition a bundle , to bind ; bondage , a smal bundle of , term of measurement ; 10 bundle of rice plants
Pinyin JIAN3 QIAN2 Jyutping gan2 zin6

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition a bundle , to bind ; bondage , a small bundle of , term of measurement ; 10 bundle of rice plants
Pinyin jiǎn Jyutping gan2 zin6

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