Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( same as U+93FA ) a kind of farm tool ; a reaping-hook ; used to cut grass
Jyutping put3

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to expel the breath
Jyutping put3

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to push ; to excpel , to shirk ; to decline , to row , to wipe and clean , to strike ; to beat , to be rampant in defiance of authority
Pinyin BA2 Jyutping put3

Unicode 5.2

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition pour , splash , water , sprinkle
Pinyin PO1 BO1 Jyutping put3
Traditional U+6F51

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition pour , splash , water , sprinkle ; violent , malignant
Pinyin PO1 BO1 Jyutping put3 On HATSU Kun MORU TOBICHIRU SOSOGU Hangul Korean PAL
Simplified U+6CFC Variant U+6E8C

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition fermentation , brewing
Pinyin PO4 PO1 Jyutping put3 On HATSU Kun KAMOSU Korean PAL
Traditional U+91B1

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to brew for the second time
Pinyin PO4 PO1 Jyutping put3 On HATSU Kun KAMOSU Hangul Korean PAL Tang pɑt
Simplified U+9166

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin PO1 Jyutping put3 On HATSU HACHI Kun KAMA

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition ( same as U+93FA ) a kind of farm tool ; a reaping-hook ; used to cut grass
Jyutping put3

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition to push ; to expel , to shirk ; to decline , to row , to wipe and clean , to strike ; to beat , to be rampant in defiance of authority
Pinyin Jyutping put3

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition ( simplified form of ) farm tool ; blade in both side with a long handle used to cut weeds , to exterminate ; to settle disorders
Pinyin Jyutping put3
Traditional U+93FA

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition pour , splash , water , sprinkle
Pinyin Jyutping put3
Traditional U+6F51

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition pour , splash , water , sprinkle ; violent , malignant
Pinyin Jyutping put3 On HATSU Kun MORU TOBICHIRU SOSOGU Hangul : 0N Korean PAL
Simplified U+6CFC Variant U+6E8C

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition fermentation , brewing
Pinyin Jyutping put3 On HATSU Kun KAMOSU Korean PAL
Traditional U+91B1

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition to brew for the second time
Pinyin Jyutping put3 On HATSU Kun KAMOSU Hangul : 0N Korean PAL Tang pɑt
Simplified U+9166

Unicode 12.1
Pinyin Jyutping put3 On HATSU HACHI Kun KAMA
Simplified U+497D

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition to expel the breath
Pinyin Jyutping put3

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