Unicode 5.2
Jyutping bo1 fu6

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition peel , peel off , to shell , strip
Pinyin BO1 BAO1 Jyutping bok1 mok1 On HAKU Kun HAGU MUKU HAGERU Hangul Korean PAK Tang pak Viet bóc
Simplified U+5265

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition peel
Pinyin BO1 BAO1 PU1 Jyutping bok1 mok1 On HAKU Kun HAGU MUKU HAGERU Korean PAK
Traditional U+525D

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin BO1 Jyutping but6 On HOTSU HOCHI HAI HE Kun KOE MIDARERU Hangul Korean PAL Viet buột

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition phonetic
Pinyin BO5 Jyutping bo1

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition slope , bank , hillside
Pinyin PO1 Jyutping bo1 po1 On HA HI Kun TSUTSUMI Hangul Korean PHA Tang Viet pha

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition Boshan , mountain in Shaanxi
Pinyin BO1 Jyutping bo1 On HA

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition Boshan , mountain in Shaanxi
Pinyin BO1 Jyutping bo1 On HA

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition move ; dispel ; distribute
Pinyin BO1 FA2 Jyutping but6 Korean PAL PHAY
Traditional U+64A5

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition move ; dispel ; distribute ; plectrum , play stringed instrument
Pinyin BO1 FA2 Jyutping but6 On HATSU BACHI Kun HANERU OSAMERU Hangul Korean PAL Tang *bɑt
Simplified U+62E8

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition sow , spread ; broadcast ; case away , reject
Pinyin BO1 BO4 BO3 Jyutping bo3 On HA Kun MAKU Hangul Korean PHA Viet

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin BO1

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition waves , breakers ; undulations
Pinyin BO1 BEI1 BI4 Jyutping bo1 On HA HI Kun NAMI Hangul Korean PHA Tang *bɑ Viet ba

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition waves , breakers ; undulations
Pinyin BO1 BEI1 BI4 Jyutping bo1 On HA HI Kun NAMI Hangul Korean PHA Tang *bɑ Viet ba

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition glass
Pinyin BO1 Jyutping bo1 On HA Hangul Korean PHA

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition glass
Pinyin BO1 Jyutping bo1 On HA Hangul Korean PHA

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition legs ; KangXi radical 105
Pinyin BO1 Jyutping but6 On HATSU HACHI Kun SOMUKU

Unicode 5.2

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( Cant .) port ( Eng . loan-word ), 西矺 a sideboard ( Eng . loan-word )
Pinyin BO1 Jyutping but3 On OU HATSU

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition arrow-tip
Pinyin BO1 Jyutping bo1 On HA BA

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition arrow-tip
Pinyin BO1 Jyutping bo1 On HA BA

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition earthenware basin ; alms bowl
Pinyin BO1 Jyutping but3 On HACHI HATSU Viet bát
Simplified U+94B5

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition sort , manner , kind , category
Pinyin BAN1 BO1 PAN2 BAN3 Jyutping bo1 bun1 On HAN BAN HATSU Kun MEGURU Hangul Korean PAN Viet bàn

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition spinach and similar greens
Pinyin BO1 Jyutping bo1 On HA Kun KARANA Hangul Korean PHA

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition spinach and similar greens
Pinyin BO1 Jyutping bo1 On HA Kun KARANA Hangul Korean PHA

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition greave ; knee-pads ; buskins
Pinyin BO1 FU2 Jyutping fai3 fat1 On HATSU HACHI HI Kun HUKU

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin BO1 Jyutping but3 but6

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition earthenware basin ; alms bowl ( Sanskrit paatra )
Pinyin BO1 Jyutping but3 On HACHI HATSU Kun HACHI Hangul Korean PAL
Simplified U+94B5

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition earthenware basin ; alms bowl
Pinyin BO1 Jyutping but3
Traditional U+7F3D U+9262 Variant U+7F3D

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ferrule ; cakes , biscuits
Pinyin BO1 BO2 Jyutping but6 On HOTSU BOCHI Kun NAGAI
Simplified U+997D

Unicode 5.2

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin BO1

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition the bonito
Pinyin BO1 BA4
Simplified U+9C85

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin BO1 Jyutping but6

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition fish name
Pinyin BO1 BA4
Traditional U+9B81

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin bo1
English to peel ; to skin ; to flay ; to shuck

CEDict 100318
Traditional 剝削 Simplified 剥削
Pinyin bo1 xue1
English to exploit ; exploitation

CEDict 100318
Traditional 剝削者 Simplified 剥削者
Pinyin bo1 xue1 zhe3
English exploiter ( of labor )

CEDict 100318
Traditional 剝削階級 Simplified 剥削阶级
Pinyin bo1 xue1 jie1 ji2
English exploiting class ( in Marxist theory )

CEDict 100318
Traditional 剝啄 Simplified 剥啄
Pinyin bo1 zhuo2
English tap ( on a door or window )

CEDict 100318
Traditional 剝奪 Simplified 剥夺
Pinyin bo1 duo2
English to deprive ; to expropriate ; to strip ( sb of his property )

CEDict 100318
Traditional 剝掉 Simplified 剥掉
Pinyin bo1 diao4
English pare

CEDict 100318
Traditional 剝採比 Simplified 剥采比
Pinyin bo1 cai3 bi3
English stripping-to-ore ratio ; stripping ratio

CEDict 100318
Traditional 剝皮 Simplified 剥皮
Pinyin bo1 pi2
English same as 剝皮 | 剥皮 [ bao1 pi2 ]

CEDict 100318
Traditional 剝皮器 Simplified 剥皮器
Pinyin bo1 pi2 qi4
English peeler (e.g. for vegetables )

CEDict 100318
Traditional 剝落 Simplified 剥落
Pinyin bo1 luo4
English to peel off

CEDict 100318
Traditional 剝蝕 Simplified 剥蚀
Pinyin bo1 shi2
English to corrode ; to expose by corrosion ( geology )

CEDict 100318
Traditional 剝離 Simplified 剥离
Pinyin bo1 li2
English to peel ; to strip ; to peel off ; to come off ( of tissue , skin , covering etc )

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin bo1
English phonetic bo ; used in onomatopoeia ; see 呼呼哱 [ hu1 hu1 bo1 ], hoopoe bird

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin bo1
English to bubble

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