JMdict 200217
Word 油かす ; 油粕 ; 油糟 ; 油滓
Reading あぶらかす
Translation dut oliekoek ; lijnkoek ; raapkoek ; veekoek Translation spa orujo ; orujo ( residuo de las semillas una vez molidas y prensadas para extraerles el aceite ) Translation swe oljekaka
Translation eng deep-fried meat ( esp . beef offal ) resembling a pork rind ; oil cake ( fertilizer made of oily vegetable dregs ) Translation ger Ölkuchen ; Presskuchen ( Reste vom Ölpressen ) Translation rus жмыхи
Crossref かす饂飩

JMdict 200217
Word 〆粕 ; 搾滓 ; 搾め糟 ; 搾めかす ; 搾め滓 ; 乄粕
Reading しめかす
Translation dut als meststof gebruikte drab van geperste olie Translation spa fertilizante o pienso hecho con restos de comida
Translation eng oil cake ; scrap cake Translation rus жмыхи

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