Unicode 5.2
Character Definition abundant , lush , bountiful , plenty
Pinyin FENG1 Jyutping fung1 On HOU FU FUU BU Kun MIMEYOI SHIGERU Hangul Korean PONG Viet phong
Traditional U+8C50
Nelson: Modern Reader's Japanese-English Character 0077

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition give , deliver , pay , hand over ; entrust
Pinyin FU4 Jyutping fu6 On FU Kun TSUKERU ATAERU TSUKU Hangul Korean PWU Tang biò Viet phó
Hong Kong proper shape 0077

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition mountain range ; pointed mountain
Pinyin LUAN2 Jyutping lyun4
Traditional U+5DD2
Four-Corner Code 0077

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition smoothly , progressing , no trouble
Pinyin HENG1 XIANG3 PENG1 Jyutping hang1 paang1 On KYOU KOU HOU Kun TATEMATSURU TOORU Hangul Korean HYENG PHAYNG Viet hanh
PRC Telegraph Code 0077 Taiwan Telegraph 0077

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition abundant , lush , bountiful , plenty
Pinyin fēng Jyutping fung1 On HOU FU FUU BU Kun MIMEYOI SHIGERU Hangul : 1N Korean PONG Viet phong
Traditional U+8C50
Nelson: Modern Reader's Japanese-English Character 0077

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition give , deliver , pay , hand over ; entrust
Pinyin Jyutping fu6 On FU Kun TSUKERU ATAERU TSUKU Hangul : 0E Korean PWU Tang biò Viet phó
Hong Kong proper shape 0077

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition mountain range ; pointed mountain
Pinyin luán Jyutping lyun4
Traditional U+5DD2
Four-Corner Code 0077

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition smoothly , progressing , no trouble
Pinyin hēng Jyutping hang1 paang1 On KYOU KOU HOU Kun TATEMATSURU TOORU Hangul : 0E Korean HYENG PHAYNG Viet hanh
PRC Telegraph Code 0077 Taiwan Telegraph 0077

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition and ; with ; to ; for ; give , grant
Pinyin YU3 YU4 YU2 Jyutping jyu4 jyu5 jyu6 On YO Kun ATAERU KUMISURU TOMONI Korean YE Viet dữ
Traditional U+8207

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition and ; with ; to ; for ; give , grant
Pinyin Jyutping jyu4 jyu5 jyu6 On YO Kun ATAERU KUMISURU TOMONI Korean YE Viet dữ
Traditional U+8207

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition report to , petition
Pinyin BING3 LIN3 Jyutping ban2 lam5 On RIN HIN Kun KOMEGURA UKERU Hangul Korean PHWUM Tang byǐm
Simplified U+7980 Variant U+5EEA

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition report to , petition
Pinyin bǐng Jyutping ban2 lam5 On RIN HIN Kun KOMEGURA UKERU Hangul : 0N Korean PHWUM Tang byǐm
Simplified U+7980 Variant U+5EEA

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition parapet ; invisible
Pinyin MIAN3 Jyutping min5 On BEN MEN Kun MIENU Korean MYEN

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition parapet ; invisible
Pinyin miǎn Jyutping min5 On BEN MEN Kun MIENU Korean MYEN

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition rice-cakes , biscuits
Pinyin BING3 Jyutping bing2
Traditional U+9905

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition rice-cakes , biscuits
Pinyin bǐng Jyutping bing2
Traditional U+9905

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition beggar ; beg ; give
Pinyin GAI4 Jyutping koi3 On KAI KATSU Kun KOU Korean KAL KAY Viet cái

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition beggar ; beg ; give
Pinyin gài Jyutping koi3 On KAI KATSU Kun KOU Korean KAL KAY Viet cái

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition folding screen , shield
Pinyin PING2 BING3 BING4 Jyutping bing2 ping4 On HEI BYOU Kun SHIRIZOKU OOU Korean PYENG Tang *bheng Viet bình
Variant U+6452

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition folding screen , shield
Pinyin píng Jyutping bing2 ping4 On HEI BYOU Kun SHIRIZOKU OOU Korean PYENG Tang *bheng Viet bình
Variant U+6452

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition expel , cast off ; arrange
Pinyin BING4 Jyutping bing2 bing3 On HEI HYOU Kun HARAU Korean PYENG
Variant U+5C4F

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition expel , cast off ; arrange
Pinyin bǐng Jyutping bing2 bing3 On HEI HYOU Kun HARAU Korean PYENG
Variant U+5C4F

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition clown , comedian ; 2nd terrestrial branch
Pinyin CHOU3 Jyutping cau2 On CHUU CHU Kun USHI Hangul Korean CHWUK CHWU Viet sửu
Traditional U+919C

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition clown , comedian ; 2nd terrestrial branch
Pinyin chǒu Jyutping cau2 On CHUU CHU Kun USHI Hangul : 0E Korean CHWUK CHWU Viet sửu
Traditional U+919C

Unicode 5.2
Character 𠀇

Unicode 12.1
Character 𠀇

Unicode 5.2
Character 𠀈

Unicode 12.1
Character 𠀈

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition the period from 1 to 3 a.m.; 2nd character of the 'branches'

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition monopolize , take sole possession
Pinyin ZHUAN1 Jyutping zyun1 On SEN Kun MOPPARA
Traditional U+5C08

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition thirty , thirtieth
Pinyin SHI4 On SEI SE Kun YO
Variant U+4E16

Unicode 5.2
Character 𠀉 Definition ( the same as U+4E18 ) a hill ; elder ; empty ; a name
Pinyin QIU1 Jyutping jau1 Tang kiou

Unicode 5.2
Character 𠀊

Unicode 5.2
Character 𠀋

Unicode 5.2
Character 𠀌

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition the period from 1 to 3 a.m.; 2nd character of the 'branches'
Pinyin chǒu On CHUU Kun USHI

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition monopolize , take sole possession
Pinyin zhuān Jyutping zyun1 On SEN Kun MOPPARA
Traditional U+5C08

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition thirty , thirtieth
Pinyin shì On SEI SE Kun YO
Variant U+4E16

Unicode 12.1
Character 𠀉 Definition ( the same as U+4E18 ) a hill ; elder ; empty ; a name
Pinyin qiū Jyutping jau1 Tang kiou

Unicode 12.1
Character 𠀊
Pinyin cāo

Unicode 12.1
Character 𠀋

Unicode 12.1
Character 𠀌

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition moreover , also ( post-subject ); about to , will soon ( pre-verb )
Pinyin QIE3 JU1 Jyutping ce2 zeoi1 zoeng1 On SHA SHO Kun KATSU Hangul Korean CHA CE Tang *tsiǎ tsiǎ Viet thả

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition moreover , also ( post-subject ); about to , will soon ( pre-verb )
Pinyin qiě Jyutping ce2 zeoi1 zoeng1 On SHA SHO Kun KATSU Hangul : 0E Korean CHA CE Tang *tsiǎ tsiǎ Viet thả

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition great , grand , glorious , distinguished
Pinyin PI1 Jyutping pei1 On HI Kun OOKII Hangul Korean PI Tang pyi Viet vậy

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition great , grand , glorious , distinguished
Pinyin Jyutping pei1 On HI Kun OOKII Hangul : 0N Korean PI Tang pyi Viet vậy

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition generation ; world ; era
Pinyin SHI4 Jyutping sai3 On SE SEI Kun YO Hangul Korean SEY Tang *shiɛì shiɛì Viet thế
Variant U+4E17

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition generation ; world ; era
Pinyin shì Jyutping sai3 On SE SEI Kun YO Hangul : 0E Korean SEY Tang *shiɛì shiɛì Viet thế
Variant U+4E17

Unicode 5.2
Character 𠀍 Definition ( same as U+4E16 ) generation ; world ; era
Pinyin SHI4 Jyutping sai3 Tang shiɛì

Unicode 12.1
Character 𠀍 Definition ( same as U+4E16 ) generation ; world ; era
Pinyin shì Jyutping sai3 Tang shiɛì

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