JMdict 200217
Word 木切れ
Reading きぎれ
Translation hun egy darab fa
Translation eng piece of wood ( cut from a larger piece ) ; chip of wood ; block of wood Translation ger Holzstück ; Holzsplitter Translation rus щепка , лучина ; кусок дерева ; чурка , чурбан

JMdict 200217
Word 木くず ; 木屑
Reading きくず
Translation dut houtspaanders ; spaanders ; spanen ; houtkrullen ; schaafkrullen ; schaafsel ; schavelingen {Belg .N.}
Translation eng wood chips ; wood offcuts ; wood shavings ; sawdust Translation ger Holzspan ; Holzsplitter Translation rus щепка ; стружка ; опилки

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